Below are just a few of the many Pioneer Parking, Inc.'s success stories.
In just the first five months of commencing management at 505 N. Lake Shore Drive, Pioneer Parking, Inc. provided ownership with $192,000 net income. This set financial records while simultaneously improving service by retraining the garage staff.
Pioneer Parking, Inc. turned an annual deficit into high annual net income the year after Pioneer assumed garage management.
The first year Pioneer Parking, Inc. took over 3600 N. Lake Shore Drive, we made ownership $100,000 in net income and drastically reduced expenses.
3950 N. Lake Shore Drive suffered from monthly deficits and high annual losses. The first month after Pioneer Parking, Inc. took over, we provided ownership with net income, drastically lowered the deficit, increased service while reducing their waiting list and decluttered the garage.
3550 N. Lake Shore Drive had a year-long waiting list and annual deficits. After Pioneer Parking, Inc. assumed management, we eliminated the waiting list within the first two months of operation while making ownership annual net income.
RiverBend Condominums hired Pioneer Parking, Inc. and after just one year, we eliminated the deficit and generated on or about $75,000 net income for ownership and improved every aspect of their parking service.